Light & Shadows

This half term our Science topic is light and over the past couple of weeks we have looking at light sources, and the nature and behaviour of shadows. Last week we built torches using our knowledge of circuits and electricity. This week we have put together a shadow play using puppets that we designed and made in our Art lesson.

Click on the link below to see the results of our shadow puppet making. We hope you like it!

The Great Astbury Bake Off

We really enjoyed our learning today!! As you can see we had some visitors in school who helped us make our own bread.



Two employees of Roberts Bakery near Northwich very kindly brought ingredients, utensils and aprons and showed the children how to mix them together. (Not the aprons of course). We then put them in the oven for half an hour and after lunch were presented with our own loaves.


As you can see the children (and Mr Robinson) all had to wear hair-nets and aprons to keep the dough as clean as possible. Today was the turn of Year Four and tomorrow (Thursday) the Year Five children will have the opportunity to bake. Thank you Roberts Bakery and we hope you enjoy your freshly baked loaves.
