
This week we have been studying ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. It’s a great narrative poem that was written in 1906 and tells a tale of love, death and revenge. Here is a link to an animated version that we watched at school.

For homework this week I will be asking the children to learn a poem (of their choosing) ‘off by heart’ to perform in school. We will hopefully record these as well and I hope post them here soon. Watch this space!!


Skara Brae Homework Too (2)

Here are some more amazing examples of creatively presented homework by Class Jacob. I think you’ll agree that the children have worked incredibly hard to produce some fantastic results. From models made of bits of garden path, animal bones, moss and clay to intricately constructed ‘rainbow lollipop-stick information holders’, they really have embraced the challenge wholeheartedly.

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