Positive Mindset – Warrior Spirit


In class today we discussed the homework I have set. Part of the homework is to learn a poem by heart in order that we can recite it next week. We will then post them here next week.

One of our students asked if they could learn ‘a two line poem’ and, whilst I haven’t set any expectations of the length, I couldn’t help but wonder at the reasons for the question. Initially I wondered if the student was hoping to avoid a lot of ‘work’ but after asking the student, it became apparent that the poem was a particular favourite and was ‘actually four lines long’. Hmmm …

Again, whilst the poems need not be ‘long’ (and I certainly don’t want learning poetry to become a weekend chore), I am trying to encourage our children to push themselves – to engage with a positive (‘warrior spirit’) mindset. In year 6, one of our Literacy targets is spoken word performance and thus I hope to present a number of entertaining and lyrically engaging poems in a week’s time.

If it helps to encourage our children, I too will learn a poem and post it here – I’ll try to go beyond four lines. (wink)


This week we have been studying ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. It’s a great narrative poem that was written in 1906 and tells a tale of love, death and revenge. Here is a link to an animated version that we watched at school.

For homework this week I will be asking the children to learn a poem (of their choosing) ‘off by heart’ to perform in school. We will hopefully record these as well and I hope post them here soon. Watch this space!!
